Jeremy Loveday

Artist Bio:

Since I was elected in 2014, I’ve had the honour of waking up each day and working hard to make positive changes for our city. Working alongside residents and community organizations, I’ve been an effective advocate for affordable living, sustainability, and building a healthy and inclusive community.

As a councillor, I’ve worked hard to be accessible, pragmatic, and action-oriented. On any given day you can find me in coffee shops or at community events listening to the ideas and concerns of residents, and then working with those residents to find solutions. I pride myself on being honest and hardworking. I would be honoured to continue to work on your behalf.

There’s a lot going right in Victoria. The tech sector is booming, the unemployment rate is down, the bridge is finally built, and retail vacancy rates are lower than they’ve been in years. This economic boom is incredible, but it is not working for the majority of residents. We are facing an acute affordability crisis that is causing great insecurity for many people. As a renter and someone who wants to raise a family in Victoria, I feel this insecurity first hand on a daily basis. I don’t want to have to move out of Victoria to raise a family: I believe Victoria should be a City where families can thrive. For the past four years, I’ve led the charge on Council to create affordable housing, tame speculation in the housing market, and make sure that residential properties are used as homes. So much more work needs to be done so that everyone has access to affordable and appropriate housing and so that our economic growth doesn’t leave people behind.

I’ve also worked hard to make our community more vibrant, inclusive, and sustainable. I’ve worked with people with lived experiences of accessibility challenges to create the City’s Accessibility Working Group and to lock in annual funding for accessibility upgrades for City infrastructure and facilities. I’ve pushed for increased City support for community centres, food security initiatives, and local arts and culture festivals. I’ve also worked to make our City more safe and inclusive by bringing forward motions to create the City’s first Youth Strategy and the City’s first Transgender Equity and Inclusion Policy.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about my vision for the city and for taking an interest in Victoria municipal politics. We may not agree on every issue but I hope you’ll find value in what I bring to City Council. I hope I can count on your votes for City Council and CRD Board on October 20th.
